West Bengal Land Records, Khatian & Plot Mouza Map Download
To know any land plot map of West Bengal, the best way is to use the BanglarBhumi portal. The portal provides the real-time land plot map and records online (West Bengal Plot Map & Land Records Online).
People of West Bengal can check their plot map and plot records using the BanglarBhumi portal. Using some details of land, you can easily check their plot map and download the map online.
Download West Bengal Plot Map & Land Records Online: To download the plot map or check records of the plot, just follow these easy steps:
Step 1. Open the BanglarBhumi portal: https://banglarbhumi.gov.in/ and login to your account.
Step 2. Click on the Citizen Services section and click on the "Service Delivery" option; after that, click on the "Plot Map Request" option from the dropdown.
Step 3. The Land Plot Map request details page will open; now select some details
After that, write the Captcha code in the box, then click on the "Continue" button to go to the next step.
Now a new section is open below the page on this section with some more details:
Now the plot map process will start after payment done of Rs. 20 using net banking, counter payment, debit card, or SBI Epay. Please do not close the payment page until the payment is complete.
After completing the payment, click on the Continue button, and the land plot map will show on the screen. Now the user can check the information, download, or print it out.
The plot map is an important document for property and landowners in West Bengal. By following the above steps, you can check and download their Lnad plot map easily.
BanglarBhumi Land Records 2025 | |
Mutation Application | Mouza Map |
Conversion Application | Plot Map |
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